
TOP Print sale.

Over at The Online Photographer, a very good deal on an old and unique printing process:

"We're currently having a Platinum Print Offer, featuring handmade platinum/palladium 8x10 contact prints by Carl Weese at very advantageous prices. Please click here to go right to the print offer post. The sale is open through Friday, April 30th."

Also at TOP, a capsule history of the Platinum process.

For more on the process, see "The Printed Picture", by Richard Benson, particularily pages 142-143, (see Books, to the right) where he talks about an Irving Penn Pt/Pd from a 12 x 20 negative.

 Composition with Skull and Pear. Irving Penn 

The above image from the web does not do even the reproduction in the Benson book justice.



Recently, I've started doing some photos of non-subjective, abstract things; compositions where the subject, if there is one, is unimportant. Thus:

Here is another:

And this. On the right, art, and on the left, some corrugated cardboard used as a "drop cloth", for painting various pieces of museum furniture.

That's all, carry on.
