
More variations on a theme.

Some frames in a mid-nineteenth century style, not exact reproductions. I've designed every aspect of them; all of the ornaments were chosen for reasons, or were designed and made by me for an overall design. They are in a style, but not reproductions. I will expand on that more when they are done, fitted to the paintings, and I have some images of the whole. 

One of the two frames "dominating" the studio at the moment. The burnished bits have been gilt, and the corner in the foreground has been burnished. Once the burnishing is done, I'll seal the rest of the frame with a colored shellac, a pale yellow, ocher like, though much softer. The matte areas, everything not water gilt, will be oil gilt. Water gilding allows the gold to be burnished into the bole, ( dark gray bits) producing a shiny, reflective surface. This contrasts with the matte areas. Oil gilding produces a more matte, matte gold than all water gilding.

More later, especially after I finish these two.  These two have had a higher than usual number of problems; none insurmountable, but every step seems to require some solutions, thought and remembrance. Well, the broker of the commission said, after stopping by to see them, that he thought they were going to be gorgeous. Glad he said it; I can't until they're done. (Being the one who wrestles the problems, it can be months after a project before I can see clearly that it turned out well).

If the liner seems "out of place", that's because it is; it has been raised on blocks inside it's outer frame for "access".  My work space is small; I need to be creative.


Variation on a theme

A version of the frame, here. I seldom follow antique designs faithfully; I do seem to want to go my own way.


Another image, of the frame above with it's twin, and the original antique.


Old Speckled Framer

Sometimes when spraying gesso, there will be a clog; a little something in the tubes. The easiest way to clear the clog is to gently place a finger over the nozzle so there is blow back, that will clear the clog, gently being the operative word. Done properly, this will clear the clog, and not blow a burst of gesso out the vent. Tah Dah! A tip of the hat to Moreland brewing and their delicious in the widget cans.