

The tree roots have grown around the bottle. Tree, Red Mulberry.

"Red mulberry is used locally for fenceposts because the heartwood is relatively durable. Other uses of the wood include farm implements, cooperage, furniture, interior finish, and caskets."

(Martin, Alexander C., Herbert S. Zim, and Arnold L. Nelson. 1961. Mulberry family: Moraceae. In American wildlife and plants. p. 313-314. Dover Publications, New York.)

The tree in fall. Bottle is under the leaves, left side of trunk. Old phone photo.

Google mulberry wood for some images of the beautiful wood.


The tree today.



Edward Hopper, 1882-1967

Sun in an Empty Room
Private Collection

Edward Hopper, born today, July 22nd. 1882. The above, a late painting, showing to my eye, the "abstraction" he was not noted for. Often spoken of as a "realist", I find him to be both an abstract painter and a surrealist, and less concerned with a realistic vision than an emotional one.

“If you could say it in words, there would be no reason to paint.” ― Edward Hopper

Originally posted 7-22-12