

Over on TOP, there has been a lengthy discussion on the subject of a B&W only digital camera, with quite a bit of technical nuance and minutia; and frankly I didn't get it until the third post on the subject, where it really got into the minutia. My "ahh-hah" moment was realizing that I have always done a certain amount of work in monochrome; only not always photographically ...

My monochrome, black and white, tools of choice; Strathmore Bristol board, plate, or smooth finish, and one of the two fountain pens I use for sketching, filled with Noodlers "Heart of Darkness" black ink (In photo). The pen above, a Parker Vacumatic, circa 1935, with a nice nib. My other sketcher is a Pelikan from the late eighties, with a custom, very flexible nib, from Richard Binder.

Enough arcane minutia?

These sketches are seldom seen, as only occasionally will I do proposal sketches in pen and ink. It is personal work, enjoyable for the discipline of all lines are permanent, and the "grays" require some effort.

I have avoided making this a lecture on pen and ink, the dip pen nibs in their hundreds of variety's, the holders, the actual quills and reeds, and the multitudes of ink ... what you see above is the culmination of a practice I started in my late pre-teens.
